There's a few interesting things this recipe calls for... the first is the mascarpone I already mentioned, which goes in the crust as what I assume is a partial substitute for butter. The crust also contains finely ground pecans. The filling includes maple syrup and toasted pecans (among other things, of course).
The crust turned out fine (I realize it looks ugly but it's fine), but there's all kinds of interesting issues with the filling. The first issue is that I toasted the pecans a little bit too long... so they taste kind of bitter. The second is that the maple syrup is kind of old and was in a metal container, so it had a little bit of a metallic taste. The extra taste on the syrup doesn't come through in the final product, but the bitter pecan taste can be a bit much. And so I'm going to call today a partial fail and start figuring out what I'll make next week.
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